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Lefty very sick


May 26, 2008 - Today I had to take Lefty to the vet. Twice. Yesterday he was already a bit quiet, and this morning he was really sick. He wouldn't eat or drink, and he'd also lost considerable weight (almost 50 grams in only two weeks time). The first time I took him to the vet, this was around noon, his lungs were not clean but also not too bad, and his temperature was a bit too low. The vet gave him a shot of antibiotics, and I brought him home again, after which I returned to work.

When I came home in the evening, Lefty was way worse. I couldn't even force a little water in his mouth, because he would spit it out together with a sort of mucus. So we went to the vet, again. This time his sounded considerably worse, and his temperature had dropped even more. The vet injected some water to prevent dehydration, and she also gave him a painkiller. I took Lefty home, again, and started him on nebuliser therapy that same evening. Lefty spent the night with me in my bedroom, inside the transport basket, on a SnuggleSafe heat pad.

He made all sorts of terrible sounds during the night, and the next morning he was no better, but at least he was still around. I put him inside the "breathing machine" four times that day, and in the afternoon he seemed a wee bit better. He even drank some water from my finger, and he ate tiny bits of this and that.

The next couple of days he slowly improved, and by Friday he was doing realtively well. In fact so well that the vet couldn't believe it when I returned for a checkup (and for a tooth trimming session). It was too early to release Lefty from the hospital cage yet, so instead Pancho joined gim. By Sunday both returned to the big cage, and I reduced the number of nebuliser sessions to twice a day. Lefty is doing alright now, although he is still recovering.

May 28: Lefty eating regular food again

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