Ratcity's Shelter

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Mink was a small but tough little fellow, who would easily take on anyone, even if they were twice his size. He was very curious and playful, which sometimes could almost get on your nerves. On the other hand, when Mink sat on my shoulder he seemed to forget his own playfulness, and he just sweetly sat there like a good little ratty. Mink really liked to chew, and sometimes he just went berserk on my clothes.

Mink lived in a cage in my livingroom, together with his dear friend Dylan, and Dylan's uncles Chester & Casey.

Mink's profile

Full name: Mink (from Samcity)
Nicknames: Minkeltje, Scharminkel
Species: Brown rat (rattus norvegicus)
Date of birth: June 18, 2005
Date of death: December 27, 2006
Age: 1 year, 6 months, 9 days (≈ 45 human years)
Sex: Male ♂
Colour: Mock-mink
Markings: Hooded
Eyes: Very dark ruby
Ears: Standard
Coat: Standard
Weight: ±560 grams

Tales about Mink

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