Visiting hours
October 24, 2004 - Today us rat-owners-to-be had
the opportunity to meet our future friends face-to-face, so me and
my father went up to
Rattery Ratcity,
where we received a warm welcome from Denise and Daniëlle. The rittens
were all so very, very, very cute! Not only
my future
rats and their siblings, but also the ones from the
nest, that were born about one week and a half earlier. Oh, and of
course mother
and the other adult rats were just as adorable.
Four days ago I had finally decided on the names for my rats:
Chester and
Casey. Crazy Chester is a character from
Weight, a song by The Band.
Sean O'Casey's
was the name of my favourite pub when visiting Dublin, Ireland this
The rittens had opened their eyes only two days before I got to see
them, but already they were sort of staggering about, as infants do.
Chester spent most of the time inside
the sleeve of my shirt, and Casey and his
slightly lighter beige brother seemed very much at home in the palm of
my father's hand. But how these
hours would go a-flying; how too soon we had to leave our rittens
again. Well, it's only a couple more weeks before I can return to collect
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